Born August 3, 1954 to L.B. &
Doris Gunn in Manila, Arkansas.
Her daddy called her the bologna, because she was his
favorite between two pieces of bread — her older brother was Gary, and her
younger brother, Sherrill.
Gary and his wife, Christy, live in Gallatin, TN and have three
grown daughters, and lots of grandchildren that call him Pop Gunn.
Sherrill lives in Georgetown, KY, near his daughter Megan
and his three grandchildren.
Dale's maternal Grandparents (Doyle and Olive White) lived
next door to her until college. They and
First Baptist Church of Manila and all its members raised her, shaped her, and
taught her to love God's Word.
She received an AA degree from Southern Baptist College, now
Williams University in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas.
She was studying to be a nurse but spent all of her time on performing music
scholarships and Baptist Student Union activities.
In 1975, David & Dale married and began to serve the
Lord together in Tucson, Arizona as ministers of music and Bible teachers while
both attending the University of Arizona.
In 1981, David earned his Master's Degree
in Computer Science. They moved
to Denver, Colorado and Dale began a lifetime of volunteering and parenting. A highlight of those years was the planting
of a baby church with Jack and Doris Day, and soon after, the birth of their
two children, Jeremy and Katy. They
continued to lead the church for two years after Jack and Doris returned to
Brazil for a missionary assignment.
In 1985, they transferred to New Jersey with Bell Laboratories, and served the Terrill Road Baptist Church as
a family. Favorite projects included
developing full-length concerts and working with the Southern Baptist
Convention's Home Mission Board as Church Renewal Specialists. They began volunteering as Evangelistic
Musicians for area churches (which included all of New York, Connecticut,
and Pennsylvania). Dale was teaching Bible — sometimes as many
as five different groups per week — and got her first taste of women's abuse
In 1990, God led them to relocate to California where David
worked for Sun Microsystems, Tensilica, and finally
Cadence. Jeremy was 8 and Katy was 6
when they moved. Highlights for those
early years were taking concerts on the road. In 1992,
they did 53 different concerts in area churches. They also found much more freedom in home
educating their two children and Dale said it was the happiest time of her life
to pass on what God had taught her to her growing children.
Dale became heavily involved with counseling abused women,
ministering to the homeless, and helping with an after-school Christian club in
East Palo Alto (murder capital of the US).
She missed being a part of Jeremy and his wife, Kim's, lives as they
located cross-country.
Highlights for those years were getting to meet and visit
her first grandson, Ian, and first granddaughter, Rinnah — but there was never
enough time together.
After caring for her elderly parents, David and Dale became
very active at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship and helped establish a Growth
Group family that survived 11 years together.
David and Dale designed and taught an introductory vocal, choral, &
music theory workshop that resulted in the development of a gospel choir. Highlight of that
time period was getting to spend the first 4 years of their
second grandson's life with him and their daughter, Katy.
In 2017, they felt certain that God was calling them to
Florida to begin a new type of ministry. They followed in obedience. In 2019, Dale lost the ability to stand, and
life took a big turn. Together, David
and Dale began to pursue writing Bible studies online since she could no longer
In 2023, she lost the ability to sit up, and God called her
to write historical novels in order to teach Bible to
a wider audience. She pursued her
writing the same way she pursued pastoring and parenting — with every ounce of
energy that she had to give. In late
2023, tiny granddaughter-number-two, Layla Rose, made an early appearance and
Dale got to hold her and watch her grow.
Dale had chosen to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, God's
own Son, who came to earth, died for her sins, and conquered death by
resurrecting 3 days later. Because she
chose to follow Him, she had no fear of death, and we can know with assurance
that she is in Heaven with Jesus even as we remember her short
time on earth.
Her favorite verse: Psalm 40, verse 8: "I delight to do Thy
will, O my God."