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Chapter 1

“Did not!”



“Did, too!”



“Did not!”



“Stop it, you two. We’ve got to get this barley planted today. We don’t have time to fight.



“Daniel, take your sack and go to the right side. Gideon, take your sack and go to the left side and I’ll work in the middle. We’ll see which of you can make it to the middle first.” Aaron knew that they would work better apart and that they couldn’t resist the competition. He also knew that they were careful workers and would do a good job.



It was hard being the older brother, especially now with Dad gone most of the time. Aaron was only 14, but he was in charge of the farm and his brothers knew that they had to obey him. Sometimes it took a wrestling match to prove to them that he was the boss, but most of the time, they cooperated. His brothers, Daniel and Gideon, were 10-year-old twins.



Aaron had always known that he would stay on the farm when he turned 13, but he assumed he would work under his dad, just like his dad had worked under his dad. The farm had been in the family for many generations. But just before his 13th birthday, Aaron’s dad, Thomas, had met Jesus and started going to listen to him every chance he got. It meant a lot of the work fell on Aaron, but he loved the farm, and didn’t mind hard work. He was up before dawn taking care of the animals. Then he would eat breakfast with the family and afterward head for the fields. They grew wheat, barley, and rye. Galilee was a well-watered and well-fertilized farmland, and Aaron had thought that he and his dad would farm it together until someday it would be his. Now, at 14, he was running the farm while his dad followed Jesus, and he wanted to make sure that everything was taken care of.



Today, they would finish sowing the barley fields and he could give the younger boys a couple of days off before the wheat needed to be sowed. (Sowing meant planting the seeds by throwing it onto the prepared ground by handfuls.)



Tomorrow, he would take the oxen and plow up the fields and get them ready for sowing the wheat. His brothers weren’t strong enough to handle the oxen just yet.



man plowing with oxen



His mind was planning ahead so that every crop would benefit from the rains and seasons. With good planning, in Galilee one could always have a crop in the field, harvesting in both the spring and the fall.



Gideon was getting close to finishing his section, but Daniel would need a little help, so Aaron stepped toward the right and started sowing toward him. Sowing was an art. You picked up a handful of grain and threw it as you walked through the soft prepared soil. If you threw too little, the crop would be small. If you threw too much, the crop would also be small because it would be too crowded.



Sowing was definitely a skill that took a lot of practice. It had to be done just right. All three boys knew just the right amount of ground that their sack should plant. It was a satisfying feeling. They had farming in their blood.



As they headed toward the house, they noticed that a group of men were approaching from the road. Daniel and Gideon took off running. They were sure that it was Abba and they wanted to be the first to greet him.



“I got here first!”



“Did not!”



“Did so!”



“Boys! Boys! Is that any way to act in front of our guests? This is Yanis, Joel, Enid, and Esau. And this is Daniel and Gideon, my younger sons. And this is Aaron, my first-born, and the one in charge here.”



Aaron blushed at the praise from his dad.



“You boys go to the back yard and get acquainted while I check on Mother.”



The boys greeted each other, but Aaron felt that instead of the back yard, they needed to go to the well and let him and his brothers wash up for dinner. They led the visitors down to the well. When you put seven boys all together around a well of water, they will soon be “well” acquainted, somewhat clean, and quite wet.



The farm boys were amazed to learn that these four young men had all been raised in and around Jerusalem and had never really been on a farm. Aaron’s dad had invited them out for a quick visit with his family since Jesus was in Capernaum which was only a day and a half away.



All through the dinner, Daniel and Gideon pestered Abba to let them travel with him for a couple of weeks. But Aaron was opposed to the idea because it would leave him alone to do all the work on the farm. Already, Aaron was worried about whether he would be able to get the plowing done that he had planned, or whether he would be expected to entertain the guests.






He shouldn’t have worried, because at sunrise the next morning his dad was up and had one team of oxen already harnessed to the plow. Aaron quickly harnessed the other team and headed for the farthest field.



Several times during the morning, the visitors checked on Aaron to see if there was anything they could do to help, but they knew they couldn’t handle the oxen. They watched as Aaron and his dad expertly broke the hard soil into smaller and smaller chunks until it was soft and moist and ready for the wheat seeds. With Dad’s help, they would be ready to plant wheat tomorrow. That would be a relief and would catch Aaron up.



But at dinner, strange talk was floating around the table. Abba was actually talking about taking Daniel and Gideon with him and leaving Yanis and Joel to help Aaron on the farm. As Aaron looked over his now revised schedule, he felt that it might be possible if Yanis and Joel were really serious about working, and not just taking a vacation. They assured him that they were.



Mother was not at all sure she wanted Abba taking the twins so far away from home without her, but in the end it was decided.



Chapter 2

Early the next morning, Aaron found Yanis and Joel eager to see what farm life was all about. Aaron felt proud of “his” farm. He took Yanis and Joel to care for the animals and had never laughed so hard watching them try to milk the goats. He showed them how to care for the animals and explained their specific needs. The more he taught Yanis and Joel, the more sure he became that the farm was where he belonged.



The boys returned to the house for breakfast with Abba and the other guests. Abba had some final instructions for Aaron and then they were off.



man sowing seed



Aaron took Yanis and Joel out into the newly plowed fields and taught them how to sow the seeds evenly over the field. Joel had a better rhythm for it than Yanis, and he claimed that singing as he worked made his movements smoother.



Aaron told them that no one would know what kind of job they really did until the wheat started growing. Then the whole world would be able to look and say, “Oh, look — this sower had a steady hand — and that sower made clumps!”



That afternoon during a rest time, Yanis shared with Aaron and Joel that for the first time he really understood what Jesus was talking about when he told the parable of the soils.



“I haven’t heard that story. Why don’t you tell me while we sit here and catch our breaths?” said Aaron.



Yanis told it just the way Jesus did:


“Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.


“Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.

“Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain.

“Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.1



“Now I can see what Jesus meant by ‘prepared soil.’ Without it, the seed would have a really hard time taking root and growing,” said Yanis.



“I hear what you are saying, but I don’t understand why Jesus was teaching about seeds,” said Aaron.



“Well, it really wasn’t about seeds — it was about hearing the truth and being ready to accept Jesus as the Messiah. Some people are better prepared than others. And some are just downright rocky!”



“So, you guys believe that Jesus is the Messiah?”



“Yes,” they responded together.



“Well, we’ve got three fields to plant in wheat today, and the sooner we get it done, the sooner we can call it quits. But I’d really like to know what makes you believe that Jesus is the Messiah. I mean, I’ve heard my dad’s beliefs, but I’m just not sure.”



Yanis said, “Let’s get busy and I’ll be glad to share my journey with you later.”



Aaron was pleased that they got all three fields of wheat planted. It would have been a little quicker with his brothers, but he enjoyed the friendship of Yanis and Joel and teaching them about farm life. He had never really been around boys his own age.



And of course, after they were through in the fields, the animals needed to be cared for again. This time, Yanis seemed to be catching on to milking the goats, but Joel preferred feeding them.



That night as they sat in the back yard after dinner, Yanis and Joel both shared their stories of getting to know Jesus and realizing that he was the Messiah. You read their stories in The Story of Joel.



“I feel a lot more secure in believing that Jesus is the Messiah now that I’ve heard your stories. I hope he is the Messiah.



But tomorrow is another long day. We need to repair a rock fence before that wheat comes up, or the animals will do the harvesting! At least we can talk while we work.



Stone fence



“Are you sure you guys aren’t sorry that you decided to stay here? It’s a lot of hard work!”



“What? And miss your mother’s cooking? No way!”



Chapter 3

After breakfast that morning, Thomas had kissed his wife goodbye and taken their two young sons with him for a few days. Esau and Enid enjoyed having the two younger boys with them. Daniel and Gideon had never been away from the farm, so they were excited about every turn in the road.



Thomas thought they could probably meet up with Jesus in Capernaum, but sometimes Jesus changed plans, and it could take a while to locate him. The boys had no problems keeping up with their dad like some of Jesus’ new followers. They were sturdy 10-year-olds who had worked on the farm all their lives, so they were strong and healthy.



They were a little surprised to be sleeping on the ground with just a blanket, but quickly decided that lying under the stars was a grand way to spend the night.



It was a good experience for Enid and Esau to see Thomas as a dad and not just some man who followed Jesus. They recognized what a hard sacrifice it was for Thomas to leave his wife and children behind to follow Jesus. He had indeed left everything, and their admiration of him grew.



As they approached Capernaum the next morning, they learned that Jesus was teaching near the Sea of Galilee. Thomas and the boys joined the rest of the disciples there. He left Daniel and Gideon with Enid and Esau, while he went to speak with Jesus. He wanted to let him know he had brought his sons with him and would need to be available as a dad.



Jesus was delighted and came over to meet Daniel and Gideon. The boys became very quiet and shy in Mr. Jesus’ presence because they knew that he was a great man. But he soon had them relaxed and was laughing with them. He asked them how they thought the two “city slickers” were getting along trying to do all their work. Then he went back to teaching the crowds and healing. Daniel and Gideon were fascinated to see how many people came to see Mr. Jesus. They didn’t know there were that many people in the whole world.



Enid and Esau assured Thomas that they didn’t mind keeping an eye on the twins, so he could do his duties in working with the crowds.



By mid-afternoon, Enid and Esau could tell that Daniel and Gideon were tired of listening and needed to move around, as 10-year-old boys do. Esau asked, “Are you guys getting hungry?”



“Yeah!” was their joint response. So, Enid and Esau led them away from where Mr. Jesus was preaching and teaching. There they found the camp of followers who were beginning to prepare the evening meal. When Enid and Esau introduced Daniel and Gideon, they were given some fruit and instructed to collect driftwood for the fire. A lot of firewood was needed to keep the ovens baking bread and to be able to cook the fresh fish they had caught.



Sometimes, when Jesus traveled, they just ate fruit and bread that they cooked at home. But along the Sea of Galilee, Jesus’ followers usually fried fish and cooked fresh bread in rock ovens. Tonight, there would be a feast — that is, if you liked fish.



The smells were wonderful, and Daniel and Gideon wondered if they would starve to death before Mr. Jesus finally came. He finished healing all the people and sent them to their homes. Then he came over to the camp with all the disciples and they enjoyed the meal together.



Daniel and Gideon were able to sit near their dad and be introduced to all the apostles and their families. The twins felt very, very far away from the farm.



full moon over the sea



It was a perfectly clear night, and the moon was just coming up over the horizon when Mr. Jesus called for certain of his disciples to prepare for a ministry trip with him. The others would wait here and get some rest. They had three boats: one that would hold 15 people, and two small boats that would only hold six each.



Mr. Jesus called out the names of those to go in the two small boats. Then he began to call out the names of those to go in the large boat with him. Suddenly, Daniel and Gideon’s eyes popped open, wide awake. Their dream has just come true. Mr. Jesus called their dad’s name, and then he said, “and Daniel and Gideon.” Mr. Jesus had included them, too!



So, the 27 named people found their traveling bags and were told to pack some bread and some dates because there probably wouldn’t be food the next day. They lined up to receive these items from the cooks and then boarded their boat.



For two little farm boys, they were beyond excited. Abba showed them how to throw their blanket down between the benches so that they could get some rest. They lay in the floor of the boat watching their Abba take his turn rowing. The stars were magnificent overhead and the gentle swaying of the water quickly put them right to sleep.



On and on the rowers rowed. Mr. Jesus was headed to the land of the Gadarenes across the Sea of Galilee. He, too, stretched out on his blanket and quickly fell asleep after a hard day of ministry. The rowers took turns waking up the next team of rowers, and then there would be a shuffle in the boat so that the exhausted men could change places with the more rested ones.



Have you ever been sound asleep and had someone throw a glass of water in your face? Well, that’s sorta what happened.



Daniel and Gideon were sound asleep. They were lulled into a deep, deep sleep by the gentle rocking of the boat and the rhythmic sounds of the oars, when all of a sudden, they not only had water in their faces — they were thoroughly soaked.








Their robes and their blankets were soaked with ice cold water. And the water was almost a foot deep right where they had been lying. The boat had turned from a sweet cradle to a roaring roller coaster. They were going up one side of a wave and crashing down the other. At times it seemed the boat would just flip over and dump everyone out into the sea.



roller coaster



Both boys were screaming, but they couldn’t be heard over the sound of the wind and the pounding of the waves onto the boat. They were hanging on, but were sure that this was the end of their short lives.



Here’s what the Bible says:


A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”2



Now you need to realize that not only were these two little boys scared to death, but everyone on that boat was scared — except for one person. Many of these men were professional fishermen and they thought they were about to die — so don’t be too hard on Daniel and Gideon for feeling frightened.



But Mr. Jesus wasn’t scared. He was sleeping like it was still a gentle cradle. Why? Because he knew the plan. Let’s look at what happened.


He got up, ... and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.3



Daniel and Gideon looked around amazed. The sea was perfectly quiet and still as glass. The sun was just beginning to come up and that was a good thing, because they were wet and cold. Even though they were 10 years old, they appreciated Abba offering them the warmth of his hug.



Chapter 4

The three of them sat together with teeth chattering until they reached the shore. Then they started racing around collecting driftwood to make a fire.



When they had their arms full of wood and turned back toward the group, Mr. Jesus was wading toward the shore. There was a crazy man running toward Mr. Jesus. They knew he was out of his mind because he wasn’t wearing any clothes and his hair was all matted and dirty looking.



The boys couldn’t decide whether to run to find Abba, or to run as far away and as fast as possible. But what if this strange land is filled with crazy men? They certainly didn’t want to run away from the disciples. So, they just stood still and watched.



The man bowed at Mr. Jesus’ feet and yelled,


...“What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?....”4



Mr. Jesus talked quietly with the man and the boys couldn’t hear what was happening. Then Mr. Jesus pointed to a large herd of pigs that were feeding in a pasture.



white pigs



Daniel and Gideon watched as the entire herd of pigs ran off the edge of a steep cliff and drowned in the sea. The Bible tells us that there were about 2000 pigs that died that day.



Daniel and Gideon just watched with their mouths hanging wide open. They had wanted an adventure away from the farm, but this was more than they had ever anticipated.



They fearfully brought their firewood to the pile, but kept their eyes on Mr. Jesus sitting and talking with the crazy man. Someone had given him a robe, and he was talking quietly with Mr. Jesus.



The disciples began to stretch out around the fire and eat breakfast. The bread was soaked, but the dates made a decent meal. They were preparing for a full day of ministry when a large group of townspeople arrived.



Then all the people of the region ... asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left.5



Everyone loaded back onto the boats and started home. Daniel and Gideon wanted to ask questions and discuss what they had seen, but Abba asked them to hold their questions until they were alone. He promised to answer every question that he could. He told them to just enjoy the boat ride and relax.



peaceful seascape



The boat ride may have been uneventful for the adults in the boat, but for the two boys who had never seen the Sea of Galilee during the day, it was a fantastic journey. The sun was dancing on the waves. They saw sea birds and jumping fish.



They enjoyed listening to the disciples laughing and talking. It took about two hours to reach Capernaum, and everyone was ready for a snack when they arrived.



“I think it’s time for us to start home,” Abba said after they had filled up on fruit and bread and cheese. “If we start now, we can probably make it home for supper tomorrow night.



“Daniel and Gideon, empty the sand out of our packs, and then Daniel, take your pack over there and ask that lady for three rounds of bread and some fruit for a day’s journey for the three of us. Gideon, go ask Mr. James if we can borrow three dry blankets. Ours will need to dry out before they will be much good. I’m going to go talk with Mr. Jesus and I’ll be right back.”



Soon they were ready to start their walk. For the first time they could ever remember, Daniel and Gideon had their Abba’s full attention. They had always shared him with their older brother, Aaron. They walked steadily and easily no one wanting to break the silence.



wooded path



Finally, Gideon asked, “Abba, if Mr. Jesus knows everything, then why did he take us all the way over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee?”



“And almost kill us in the process!” added Daniel.



“We’ve got a long journey and I’m glad you’ve got questions. But let’s try to do them one at a time, okay?”



“Okay, so mine first,” said Gideon.



“Okay, think about it. Did Mr. Jesus accomplish anything at all in the land of the Gadarenes?”



“He killed a lot of pigs!” volunteered Gideon.



“He made a lot of people mad at him!” added Daniel.



“Anything else?” prompted Abba.



“Oh, yeah, he made that crazy man well.”



“Do you think Mr. Jesus would have gone all the way across the Sea of Galilee just to make that one man well?” asked Abba.



“Why did he need three boatloads of people to do that?” asked Gideon.



“Let’s stick to one question, but we’ll come back to that one.”



“Mine’s next.”



“Okay, boys. Don’t fight. It’s time you learn to quit that bickering. It’s not something that would please Mr. Jesus and it doesn’t please me.”



“Sorry, Abba,” said Daniel.



“Sorry, Abba. I’ll try to remember,” said Gideon.



“So, the question is: do you think Mr. Jesus would go all the way across the Sea of Galilee just to heal one sick man?” asked Abba.



“I guess so, but he’s a really busy man.”



“All I can tell you is that I’ve been following Mr. Jesus for just about a year now. I’ve seen him do amazing miracles, but they are always for the benefit of individual people. He never heals a whole town. He often takes the person aside and heals them privately. He really loves people.



Jesus loves me



I feel like he loves me, and I feel like he loves you, Daniel, and you, Gideon. I personally believe that he traveled all the way from Heaven to come down here and teach me how to follow and please God. And I believe he traveled all the way across the Sea of Galilee just to heal that one man named Legion.



Daniel, I see a well up ahead. Let’s stop and take a rest and get some water and then we’ll be ready for your question.”



Chapter 5

After a quick rest and some cool water from the well, Daniel wanted to know why Mr. Jesus took three boatloads of people to go to heal one person.



“Mr. Jesus says that he is training us to do his work,” said Abba. “He says he won’t always be around, and that we’ll be in charge. We need to learn that people are important, so he takes a group of us on just about every ministry he goes on.”



“So.... That’s why you follow him? To learn how to take care of people?”



“Yes. And I think he’s teaching me to love people in a way that I’ve never done before. I mean, I’ve always wanted to help my friends, but I’ve never been very loving toward the sick, the poor, or those who are not Jewish. I think Mr. Jesus is growing my heart.”



heart with plant growing out of it



The boys thought about that for a while.



“Are you going to come back to farming?” Daniel asked next.



“I don’t know, but I don’t think so. The plan, the way I understand it, is for Mr. Jesus to take over the city of Jerusalem, and I will probably be an officer in the kingdom. So, I’ll probably move your mother to the palace, and she’ll live like a queen. Do you think she would like that?






The boys’ eyes got big at that idea as they nodded.



“So how come we almost died in that storm last night?”



”Did you die?”



question mark






“Were you harmed in any way?”



question mark




“We were wet and cold,” said Gideon.



“And we were scared to death!” said Daniel.



“But I don’t guess we were harmed,” Gideon added.



“Did you learn anything?” Abba asked.



question mark


“Duh! Mr. Jesus is so powerful. He told the winds to stop and they stopped. The waves just stopped when he told them to. That’s powerful!” exclaimed Gideon.



“That proves that he really is God, doesn’t it?” Daniel asked.



“Over and over, I’ve seen Mr. Jesus show his disciples that he really is God in the flesh.



“Sometimes the lessons are a little hard, but I’m trying to learn to trust him. It was hard for me to trust him last night when I saw you boys terrified. I was just about as frightened as you because you were with me. I didn’t want anything to happen to you. But think about it: Mr. Jesus was in the boat with us. Nothing bad was going to happen!”



“Whose turn is it?” asked Daniel.



“I don’t remember. Is it okay if we just talk like three men and not take turns?” asked Abba.



That made Daniel and Gideon feel extra special.



“Sure!” they agreed.



“So, do you have a question, Daniel?”



“Yeah, who is Poseidon?” asked Daniel.



“Where in the world did that come from? I mean, I see the connection to the storm, but I’m just wondering who is teaching my boys,” asked Abba.



“I just heard a man praying to Poseidon when we were in the boat. It sounded like he was talking to God, but he was begging him to save him from the storm.”



“Okay. I understand. Daniel, Poseidon is a myth or an imaginary god of the Greeks. Some of the disciples are still struggling to understand God and Mr. Jesus, and when they get scared — they go back to their superstitions.



“Maybe Mr. Jesus deliberately put that man in the boat so that he could see that it is Mr. Jesus, not Poseidon, who controls the wind and waves.”



“So, who sent the storm?” asked Daniel.



Abba thought for a minute because he didn’t want to give the boys any wrong answers, and then began.






“I believe that the storm could have had two sources. First, the storm could have been sent by God himself to teach us all a lesson in trust, and to open our eyes to really see that Mr. Jesus is the Messiah and Creator.



“But you boys are old enough to know that God has an enemy named Satan. And Satan could have sent that storm to try to destroy Mr. Jesus.



“But you don’t have to worry about that — God is so much bigger and stronger and smarter than Satan. There’s nothing that Satan can do that God can’t straighten out and make even better. So, I’m not going to tell you that I know the answer to that one — because I don’t.”



“Thanks, Abba. I understand,” said Gideon.



“Me, too,” said Daniel.



They walked along quietly for a while before they came to a shady spot. They stopped and ate some bread and fruit and rested their legs. They found a creek behind some trees and were able to get a good drink of cool water. It was so relaxing to just be together.



“So, I think it’s time for me to get to ask a question,” said Abba.



“Okay, what do you want to know?” replied Gideon confidently.



“How is it working out having Aaron as your boss?”



The boys thought about it just a minute and then Daniel said, “Pretty good. Sometimes we give him a hard time, but he’s really fair and he works harder than anybody.”



“We miss you, but we understand, and Aaron’s a really good boss and he’s a good teacher,” said Gideon.



“And patient,” added Daniel.



“Sounds like I have three sons to be proud of!” replied Abba. “I’m proud of Aaron for being a good teacher and good boss, and I’m proud of both of you for recognizing it and honoring him. That makes a dad just about as proud as he can be. Let’s get back on the road and get in another hour before dark. Okay?”



“Sure!” agreed both boys.



Chapter 6

“Abba, why did all those pigs jump off the cliff? Did Mr. Jesus cause that?”



“Well, yes and no. Satan had attacked a man with a bunch of demons. Mr. Jesus sent the demons out of the man and into the pigs. The demons controlled the pigs and caused them to jump off the cliff. Satan wants to hurt people and any of God’s creatures. I’ve seen demons do really horrible things to people. But Mr. Jesus heals them and sets them free.”



“Abba, what are demons?” asked Gideon.



“Well, from what I understand, they are a little like angels — only they are evil and work for Satan.”



“Then why were the townspeople mad at Mr. Jesus?”



Abba replied, “We’re all afraid of things we don’t understand. I guess they thought Mr. Jesus came to hurt them — that he was an enemy.”



“That’s sad. He came all that way to help them,” said Daniel, “but he didn’t get mad. He just left.”



“I thought he looked sad,” said Gideon.



Sad face outline



“Me, too,” said Daniel.



“He was sad. But when someone asks him to leave — I’ve never seen him argue. He just leaves.”



“If I traveled all the way over there to help somebody, I think I would make them let me stay and help them!” said Gideon.



Abba laughed and said, “I can see it now. Gideon arrives to help, beats up all the people, and then heals them.”



They all laughed as they thought about how different Mr. Jesus was from them.



“I’m fairly sure there’s a well just ahead. If I remember right, there’s a nice grassy area behind it where we can camp for the night.”



As they stretched out in the grass and looked up at the stars, they remembered being rocked to sleep in the boat, and they felt that warm secure feeling of being safe in Mr. Jesus’ care.



They didn’t have many questions for Abba the next day. They walked and talked about many things. Abba told them about some of the things he had seen and done since following Mr. Jesus. They told him things that had happened on the farm.



By mid-afternoon, the boys began to recognize neighbors’ farms and they knew they were getting close to home.






When they could see their own barn, Gideon yelled, “Beat you!” and off they ran. Thomas wasn’t far behind them. He was glad to be home, too, even if it was just for one night.



They shared a lively meal with Gideon and Daniel wanting to tell everything they had seen and done, and Yanis and Joel wanting to tell everything they had learned and experienced on the farm. It was a happy reunion, but one that everyone knew would be too short.



Yanis and Joel had promised Aaron that they would come back and help with the harvest because they wanted to see the result of their hard work. Aaron assured them their help would be welcome.



The next morning, as Yanis and Joel walked away with Abba, the three boys left behind felt a little sad. They wished they could travel with Mr. Jesus.



Aaron put a hand on each of his little brothers and told them what Yanis had told him: “When you work hard doing what Mr. Jesus wants you to do, then you are being obedient. Not everyone can travel with him, or else who would grow the food?



“Come on, I saved the fun stuff for you two. We need to muck out the barn today!”





1 Mark 4:3-8

2 Mark 4:37-38

3 Mark 4:39

4 Mark 5:7

5 Luke 8:37




Scripture references