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Chapter 1

Michael snuggled under his blanket for just one more minute before he threw off the covers and faced the day. Well, it wasn’t exactly day yet. But ever since he and his mother had arrived, they had volunteered for the early morning shift. That meant they got up before sunrise and prepared breakfast for Mr. Jesus and all his disciples.



His eyes were adjusted to the dark enough to be able to find his way to the kitchen. The lamps were burning there, and the other helpers were beginning to set out the supplies they would need for breakfast. Usually there were 12 of them who prepared the meal.



Michael’s job was simply to carry the food from the kitchen to the tables set up along the edge of the courtyard without waking up the sleepers.



Olives, Fruits, Olive Tree, Oil, Kitchen



Most breakfasts were easy meals — just rounds of bread and bowls of olives and olive oil for dipping and sometimes fruit.



Apricots, Fresh, Nutrition, Food, Healthy, Vitamins



This morning there were fresh apricots, and he knew that would make everyone happy.



His mother had baked the bread yesterday afternoon and wrapped it in cloths to keep it fresh. Michael started taking the cloths off and putting the rounds out on the tables. Because they were feeding about 100 disciples that slept in this courtyard and another 20 or 30 that slept at Mr. Jesus’ house, a lot of bread had to be put out.



His mother was in charge of breakfast, and this morning she was looking frustrated. He stopped and gave her a hug.



“What’s wrong, Mother? Are we missing something?”



“We’re missing helpers! I only have half my usual helpers. Can you hurry up with the bread and start carrying water from the well? Just as soon as some of the others wake up, I’ll send them to help you fill the water jars.”



“Of course, Mother.” Michael worked as quickly as he could to get the rest of the bread laid out. Someone still needed to set out the olive oil and olives and the apricots but the water would be needed first.



water jar



So, he began to carry water. The well was about 10 minutes away, but he could only carry a two-gallon water jar. That would be enough for about 30 people. So, he was calculating how many trips he would need to make to supply enough water for 130.



Chapter 2

He saw that the sky was already getting light when he was only on his second trip. And that’s when he noticed it.



As he came into the courtyard carrying his second jar of water, he noticed that the courtyard was almost empty. He set down his jar of water and went into the kitchen.



“Mother, come here, please.”



“Michael, you know I don’t have time.”



“Mother, it’s important.”



Mother knew that Michael wouldn’t tease, so she dried her hands and stepped out into the courtyard. When she did, she gasped, “Where are the disciples?”



“Maybe Mr. Jesus sent them out on another ministry trip and forgot to tell us,” suggested Michael.



Mother went back into the kitchen and asked the others if they knew where everyone was. They came out into the courtyard to look, too. Where there was usually over a hundred people sleeping crowded into the courtyard, there were just maybe six families scattered around and a couple of single young men and a few single women.



“Michael, go over to Mr. Jesus’ house and see how many of them are coming for breakfast. There’s no need to put out this much food if no one is here to eat it.”



Michael ran as fast as his 10-year-old legs would run. He entered the courtyard quietly because he knew some of the disciples would still be sleeping if they worked late the night before. Everything looked pretty normal over there and he estimated approximately 20, but there would be some in the house. He ran back to report that they should set up for 30 people as usual from Mr. Jesus’ house.



The crew began to put food away since they would obviously only be serving half the usual crowd. As others began to wake up, the shock rippled through the remaining disciples. Those who had heard Mr. Jesus teach yesterday reported that he had really upset some of the disciples with all his talk about death and dying. Those with young children seemed especially upset, and now it looked like they had left quietly during the night without saying goodbye.



When Mr. Jesus arrived and breakfast was served, he didn’t seem at all surprised by the emptiness of the courtyard. He seemed sad, but not surprised.



Sad face outline



While the others cleaned up the breakfast and got ready for the day, Mr. Jesus met with his 12 apostles.


“You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.


...Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.  We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”1



When the kitchen had been put back in order after breakfast, it was agreed that they needed to determine if there were enough volunteers to cover the evening meal. Some agreed to help who had not helped before.



Mother said that she could continue to prepare breakfast with the six volunteers who showed up this morning. And this afternoon, she wouldn’t need to bake bread for tomorrow’s breakfast because they had plenty of leftovers!



After the meeting, Mother said, “Michael, let’s take a walk. I need to think, and you are my best listener!”



“Sure, Mother.”



Chapter 3




They walked quietly to the beach and found it mostly deserted. It was nearly noon and the fishermen were all home sleeping. The crowds that had earlier been purchasing fish had all gone home for the heat of the day.



“Michael, do you understand why the disciples are leaving?” Mother asked.



“Well, I guess they are scared of what the Pharisees might do to them,” replied Michael.



“Yes, I think that’s some of it. But I think some of them are disappointed that Mr. Jesus hasn’t conquered Rome and set Israel free. Instead he talks more about loving Rome and being peaceful.”



“Are you disappointed, Mother?”



“Yes, I guess I am. But I still think it could happen. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Mr. Jesus is sent from God. I just don’t know what he’s doing or going to do. That puzzles me.”



“Are you thinking of leaving?”



“I guess I have to think about it. That’s why I wanted to talk with you. I agree with many of the others that it could get pretty dangerous for all of us. I want to know what you are thinking. You are old enough to have a say in our decision.”



“I agree with Mr. Peter! Where else would we go? If Mr. Jesus is from God, then we need to listen and obey and do what he says,” said Michael.



“I like your faith! I think, as your mother, I get caught up in trying to figure out what’s best to do and how best to protect you.”



“But Mr. Jesus says that he’s the Great Shepherd and he’ll take care of us. I believe that.”


Jesus, Christ, Good Shepherd, Religion, Catholics



“Michael, you are a wise young man. You’ll never know how much I respect your opinion. And right now, I needed a healthy dose of your encouragement. Thank you.”






“You know that we could go to Uncle Enoch’s in Bethlehem. He has told us we are welcome there, and you could go to Hebrew school with your cousins,” said Mother.



“Mother, I will be obedient to you, whatever you decide. But if I were old enough to decide for myself — I would stay with Mr. Jesus. I know he is the Messiah and he’ll take care of us. I know the Pharisees want to hurt us, but I don’t believe they have any power as long as we let Mr. Jesus protect us.”



“So, you are not afraid to stay with Mr. Jesus?”



“No, Mother, I’m not afraid. I know that bad things will probably happen, but Mr. Jesus is from God and I’d rather be with him than anywhere else.”



“Michael, I want to stay with Mr. Jesus no matter what happens in Jerusalem. But I’ve got to admit that I’m afraid at times.”



Ocean, Wave, Sea, Water, Tide, Tidal



“Mr. Peter taught us that when we look at the waves — we sink. And when we look at Mr. Jesus — he lifts us up no matter how big the waves are, or how strong the wind is, or how deep the water is. I’ve learned a lot from Mr. Peter and the other guys teaching us.”



“Then, let’s keep our eyes on Mr. Jesus and follow him wherever he leads! I’m so proud of you, Son.”



“Thank you, Mother. I’m proud of you, too.”





1 John 6:67-69


Scripture references