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JustChords displays and plays chords, in Equal Temperament or Just Intonation. You can specify the chord

JustChords is meant to be useful in producing learning tracks for 4-part a capella music, Barbershop quartet style. But it may also be valuable in ear training, rehearsing, and just generally getting familiar with a piece of music. You may want to use the chord-analysis features to improve your ability to recognize and name chords. ("What is that chord in bar 3?")

JustChords is free for non-comercial use. The sources (about 10,000 lines of Kotlin) are included in the download, so you can make improvements or add features, if you like. If you do extend the functionality or fix bugs, I would appreciate receiving a patch, but you are under no obligation. All I ask is that, if you wish to make a commercial product based on JustChords, you get my permission beforehand.


Download (Linux TGZ) (MacOS TGZ) (Windows ZIP)

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