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Notes on JI

What is Just Intonation? I'd like to explain why the notes we sing aren't on the piano keyboard.

Let's start with the basics. Sound is simply vibrations, normally transmitted through air. A musical sound can be described as having a pitch, volume, duration, and timbre (or "quality"). Let's look at each aspect in turn.

The pitch of a musical sound is determined by the frequency of the vibration. A steady pitch implies a constant frequency.
The volume is determined by the amplitude of the vibration.
The duration is simply the length of time that the sound is audible.
The timbre is what distinguishes the sound of a violin from that of a trumpet, for example. It is determined by the relative volume of the sound's overtones (see below).
Sound is a longitudinal compression wave, which means that the medium (usually air) undergoes small variations in pressure that propagate through the medium from the source to the detector (in this case, your ear). As the pressure changes impinge on your eardrum, the eardrum vibrates at the same rate, which causes the small bones in the inner ear to vibrate, and ultimately causes the fluid in the cochlea to vibrate. Nerve cells in the cochlea fire in response to the vibrating fluid, and the brain interprets the nerve impulses as sound.

Pitch is measured in "cycles per second," or "hertz" (abbreviated "Hz"). A sound with a pitch of middle C has a frequency of 261.626 Hz. The A above middle C is exactly 440 Hz and is the note usually sounded when an orchestra tunes up.

Pitch perception is logarithmic, not linear. That means that the perceived distance between two notes depends on the ratio of their frequencies. The octave corresponds to a ratio of 2:1 -- the higher note of an octave interval has exactly twice the frequency of the lower one. Two octaves corresponds to a ratio of 4:1; three octaves would be 8:1, and so forth.

The Harmonic Series

When any physical object vibrates, such as a violin string or the air inside a trumpet, the sound produced is actually a combination of frequencies, not one single frequency. These frequencies are all integer multiples of the lowest frequency (called the "fundamental"), and are referred to as "overtones" or "harmonics." The two systems use different numbering schemes, such that the fundamental is called the first harmonic, the first overtone is the same as the second harmonic, and so forth. The relative amplitude or volume of each harmonic is the primary component of timbre. A pure sine wave has no overtones.

Here is a frequency analysis of the vowel sound "oo":
oo vowel spectrum
Notice the equal spacing in this linear frequency plot. The fundamental is 220 Hz (A below middle C), the first overtone is at twice that, 440 Hz (A above middle C), the second overtone is at three times the fundamental, 660 Hz (E an octave and a third above middle C), and so on.
Compare the above spectrum to the one below, for the vowel "ee":
ee vowel spectrum
Although many of the same frequencies are present, notice that the relative amplitude of the various overtones are different. Indeed, that is how we can tell that the sound is "ee" instead of "oo".

Although the overtones are equally spaced in terms of frequency, because pitch perception is logarithmic, the space between successive overtones becomes smaller in terms of scale degree as you get higher in the series. The space between the fundamental and the first overtone is one octave; from the first to the second is a perfect fifth; from the second to the third is a perfect fourth; from the third to the fourth is a major third; from the fourth to the fifth is a minor third; from the fifth to the sixth is a "sub-minor" third, and so forth. Here is a grand staff with the first 16 harmonics of low C (note values are approximate; the numbers above the staff show the actual cents sharp or flat for the just pitch relative to the corresponding equal-tempered pitch):
harmonic series
The term "cents" in this context means "hundredths of a half-step." One octave is 1200 cents. A perfect fifth is 702 cents (approximately), or 2 cents larger than 7 E.T. half-steps. A just major third is 386 cents, or 14 cents smaller than 4 E.T. half-steps, etc. The only notes in the harmonic series which fall exactly on an E.T. pitch are the fundamental and its octaves; no other pitch in the harmonic series exactly matches any key on the keyboard.

What does the harmonic series have to do with just intonation? Just intonation uses intervals from the harmonic series, which correspond to small integer ratios, to produce chords that are perfectly in tune. We call this condition "lock." Equal-tempered instruments cannot achieve perfect lock (except for unison and octaves, of course), but fretless stringed instruments and trombones can and do, just like the human voice. A cappella singers naturally tune chords using just intonation. That's what makes a good quartet sound so good.

The barbershop style uses a certain chord "vocabulary"; some chords are simply not found in a true barbershop arrangement. The chords which are normally used in the barbershop style have simple structures, and small whole-number frequency ratios, which tend to enable the above-mentioned "lock." I have attempted to enumerate the chords and intervals which are "allowed" in the barbershop style below.
chord and interval table
The table contains 19 chord types, with the notes indicated relative to a "C" root. To find the frequency ratios for a just-tuned chord of any given type, read across the row. For example, in row 2, our favorite chord, the "barbershop 7" (dominant seventh, indicated here as simply "7"), spelled C E G Bb and made up of a root, major 3rd, perfect 5th, and flat 7th, has a frequency ratio of 4:5:6:7. That means that the interval between the 3rd and the root is 5:4, between the 5th and the root is 6:4 (or 3:2), and between the 7th and the root is 7:4. The other intervals are 5th to 3rd (6:5), 7th to 5th (7:6), and 7th to 3rd (7:5).

Note that the table contains two different columns labeled "Eb" and two columns labeled "Bb". There are two just intervals which are notated as a "minor 3rd," but they are tuned differently -- the 7/6 "flat minor third" and the 6/5 plain "minor 3rd." Likewise, two different just intervals are notated as "minor 7th" -- the "flat minor 7th" (or "barbershop 7th") and the plain "minor 7th." The point is, you can't tell how to tune a given note by looking at it in isolation, even knowing what the root of the chord is and the interval between the given note and the root.. There are two pairs of different intervals that look the same when you look at only the note and its relationship to the root of the chord. You have to also know whether this "minor 3rd" is in a chord that's in the "flat m3" family or "plain m3" family, for example. Fortunately, we don't have to analyze every chord in order to sing in tune; our ear will tell us where to put the note, if we'll just let it!

Go on to part 2