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The New Way Series

Historical Fiction based on the Book of Acts.

Copyright © 2023-2024 by Dale Weatherford

The New Way Series began to take shape as I dreamed about the children who had walked with Jesus entering adulthood, marrying, and impacting their world. The stories are consistent with what I could find both in sacred and secular literature written in the first century — primarily based on the manuscript written by Luke about the Acts of the Apostles. Book #1 talks about the children who traveled with Jesus and witnessed His life. Books #2 - #8 take place in three different locations — two in Galilee where Jesus spent a lot of time teaching, and one outside of Israel (Antioch). I have attempted to put skin and emotions on the facts presented by Luke. I hope you enjoy imagining with me what it must have been like to live immediately after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus: before a Bible, before a church, before traditions became a set pattern of rules. I pray that these books will encourage you to peel off the religion of today and see for yourself what Jesus taught. These books and their characters have encouraged me to be more transparent and loving toward non-followers and to verbalize my absolute confidence in Jesus.

Read each book in this series for free by clicking on these links (pdf):

  1. Looking Through the Eyes of a Child
  2. Hearing the Truth in Cana of Galilee
  3. Growing the Love in Cana of Galilee
  4. Following the Way in Cana of Galilee
  5. Searching for Answers in Capernaum
  6. Waiting in Obedience in Capernaum
  7. Encountering Differences in Antioch of Syria
  8. Telling the World from Antioch of Syria

Hard copies of The New Way Series are available for purchase through Lulu.com.